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Monday, April 18, 2011

Grueling C++ Regiment

     So, I've decided that I have to master the language of C++, and I'm setting out to do it as fast as I can.  I'm not just focusing on the basics either, but getting prepped for serious game development.  I'm studying as much as I can on the subject, and going as deep as the rabbit hole will take me.
     With that in mind, I decided that I would share the laborious path I'm traveling, in case anyone else dare to travel this sordid road.
     My journey began with a book I've already reviewed here as a product pick, Course Technology Beginning C++ Game Programming, which is an awesome primer on C++.  Then to round out the corners, I'm in the middle of reading Sam's Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, which is harder to understand, but goes much more in-depth into the language of C++.  For a basic reference, I picked up both O'Reily pocket references for C and C++, as it seems both are necessary to actually understand the language.
     From there I'm branching off though, in two different forks.  The first will be 2D game development with a cross-platform approach, studying to build games for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX.  So far I have only two books planned for this section, Game Programming All-in-One, by Jonathan S. Harbour, as it covers the concepts of basic 2D game development, and because it uses the Allegro cross-compatibility library.  Following up there, I'm going to be buying up Advanced 2D game development, a book by the same author.  I haven't read this one yet, so I'm hoping it will be just as good.
     Then, when moving into 3D game programming, it will be Windows only for the first little while.  The first two books I'll be covering there are Beginning Game programming, by Jonathan S Harbour, and Beginning DirectX 9, by Wendy Jones.  These two books get you started on the concepts of using DirectX 9 directly for developing 3D games.  But as they are both basic primers, I'm going to have to finish of the set with 3D Game Programming All-in-One and Programming Role Playing Games with DirectX, as both of these are huge manuals for studying 3D game development.
     And, this is just the beginning, there are plenty of topics I have to research in C++, so I'm sure I will be able to add to this list later, and get a complete study course up for anyone who really wants to learn about C++.  Till next time, I'll catch you on the flip side

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