So, if my ears have heard correctly, T-Mobile stands to shake things up a heck of a lot in the next few months by braking with industry standard and charging people for there phones. This revolutionary new idea sounds like a bad one, because we are so used to getting free phones, but there is a catch, my friends, there is a catch. There will be no contract.
That's right ladies and gents, T-Mobile is doing away with the ball and chain, and setting there customers free from expensive-two-year-binding-soul-stealing-contracts. And what's better is they are moving to a much better pricing model. All the glorious smart-phone goodness will be had for $50, $60, or $70 a month, depending on the level of service you want. They will also be giving truly unlimited data, which will win back a lot of there old customers on its own. And to top it off, you can get a payment plan set up to pay for your phone.
Honestly, as crazy as it sounds, this is almost enough to make me switch to T-Mobile. The highest price bracket is almost half of a standard cell contract, and that is with adjust 3gb of data. I think I will wish the best of luck to T-Mobile, and hope they get better tower coverage in my area, as that would be the straw to break the camel's back.
Till next time, catch you on the flip side.